Steve Beck

Steve Beck

Automation Architect, Inspired Testing

Stephen Beck, Automation Architect at Inspired Testing joined the company in 2016 and has worked to provide Automation Testing solutions for multiple clients, as well as overseeing project delivery. He has also worked on creating, maintaining, and updating the tools used by Inspired Testing to ensure that clients are provided with effective Test Automation solutions.


Monday, 10 January 2022 05:00

What Why How – Test Driven Development

Test Driven Development (TDD) is a method of software development that uses testing for certain functionality to reduce the amount of code that needs to be written. Using TDD techniques, software testers (or developers themselves) write specific tests for certain functionality in the software being developed, and then run these automated tests to determine if the code passes or fails. New code is only written for those functions that fail the tests, speeding up the development process and shortening time to market.

Published in Software Testing
Monday, 03 January 2022 05:00

What Why How – Stress Testing

Stress testing is a type of performance testing designed to test the endurance, robustness or stability of an application, system or network. Testers are generally more interested in defects and anomalies caused by system failures from stress testing, rather than the failures themselves (which are expected).

Published in Software Testing
Monday, 27 December 2021 05:00

What Why How – Quality Assurance Testing

Quality Assurance (QAT) is a subset of the SQA process that uses metrics to determine the overall quality of a software product, from development through to user experience. QAT ensures the optimal testing methodologies, feedback loops and development processes are used for the required product deliverables.

Published in Software Testing

NetDocuments is synonymous with document management in the legal industry, but as with many other document management systems (DMS) it poses several challenges for the software testers tasked with keeping it optimised.

Published in Test Automation
Wednesday, 15 December 2021 07:10

Testing legal software – what, how, why

If you’re planning your firm’s next software deployment, be it a document management system like NetDocuments or a practice management system like Elite 3E, then you’re going to want to ensure it installs, integrates and performs optimally.

Published in Test Automation
Thursday, 25 November 2021 21:03

Automation to cover risks not your website

Thomson Reuters 3E is a complex application with simple interfaces. There are countless screens and endpoints to test which makes it arduous to get full coverage through manual processes. The first thought that any Quality Assurance specialist will have is - can we automate this?

Published in Test Automation
If you’ve been using Thomson Reuters Enterprise software as your Business Management Software of choice to handle all your billing and invoicing-related workflows, you’re not alone. But with the release of Thomson Reuters Elite 3E and the move to an Angular-based application, many companies are wanting to migrate to the new platform.
Published in Test Automation
One of the things that sets Inspired Testing apart is having access to our own, self-developed, self-maintained Automation Framework. I’m often asked what this is, why it’s important, and what companies should look for when reviewing an Automation Framework for their own purposes, so I’ve taken the opportunity below to address these specific questions.
Published in Test Automation

Test Automation is the process of using test scripts to automatically interrogate various software and system functions to ensure they work as expected. While Test Automation has many benefits over Manual (or Functional) Testing, it is best used in conjunction with Manual and Exploratory Testing for the most comprehensive Quality Assurance possible.

Published in Test Automation

If you’ve already tested something at the Unit level, and again at the API level, testing it again at the UI level is just a redundancy that’s going to waste your time, so you need to identify:

Published in Test Automation
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