Inspired Testing is delighted to announce that it has successfully re-certified against the ISO/IEC27001 standard for Information Security Management Systems. The company’s new certificate is valid until 16 October 2022.
At Inspired Testing, information is the lifeblood of our company and at the heart of everything we do. Whether it is the personal information of our clients and staff, or the sensitive and confidential information entrusted to us to allow us to deliver value to our customers, we are committed to keeping it secure, well managed and confidential.
ISO/IEC27001 is the international standard for managing information and cybersecurity risk. It provides the framework and the controls for an organisation to ensure that it is protecting the confidentiality, availability and integrity of information and information assets from threats and vulnerabilities. It streamlines the increasing burden of legislated due diligence for security measures through the supply chain. Achieving an ISO/IEC27001 recertification is an illustration of Inspired Testing’s commitment to world-class service delivery.
Handling digital information from the point of obtaining or creating it, to the point of archiving or destroying it is core to our business operations. Our senior leadership team includes our CEO Jacques Fouche and our COO Lucas Scheepers who heads up our Information Security Committee with our Chief Delivery Officer Leon Lodewyks. The team is actively involved in managing information security and overseeing our Information Security Management System or ISMS. The ISMS is a governance framework that ensures our systems, people and partners work in a coordinated way to protect our data and information as they process, store, transfer and access our information assets. While our ISO/IEC27001 certification focuses on the systems and data core to our delivery to our clients, the same level of governance is applied throughout our business and is backed by all Exco members.
The 2020 lockdown fast tracked our virtualisation and digitalisation strategy, as it did for most companies. However, our senior management’s focus on data security and integrity ensured that our information security remained front of mind in every decision and through every change. Achieving recertification against ISO/IEC27001, whilst coping with the disruption of the pandemic illustrates our commitment to high quality information processing. Having this certification means that we can confidently assure our clients and prospective clients that we are managing our data and information systems in line with international best practices.
At Inspired Testing we know that technology is not a silver bullet when it comes to security. In fact, research shows that the human element is a critical factor in any information security strategy. This is why Kayleen Jansen, as head of our Human Resources, plays an active role in Inspired Testing’s Information Security Committee. It was amazing to see over 80% of our staff achieving 80% in our 2021 Security Compliance Exam, and most achieved above 90% or even 100%! This security training is mandatory for all our staff as part of their induction as well as annually, regardless of role or seniority. It ensures that we all remain fully aware of our security policies and recommit to playing an active role in ensuring the information we handle is secure and protected.
Managing information in line with the requirements of this internationally recognised standard illustrates to our shareholders and our clients that our teams manage information with the necessary due diligence and care, working to minimise the risk of unauthorised disclosure. But it is more than that; ISO/IEC27001 demands that we actively learn, grow and improve. Over the last year our management team and our key technology partners have shown that they are continuously responding to emerging cybersecurity threats, learning from events, improving how we do things and building on the ISMS. These ongoing efforts will ensure we future proof our services and our business as we unleash the potential of emerging technologies such as AI.
Lucas Scheepers concludes, “Achieving ISO/IEC27001 recertification is an integral and important part of our overall compliance strategy, and we are committed to continuous improvement of our Information Security Management System across all the company capabilities into the future.”